Monday, January 26, 2009


Using manual mode
f : f11 - f22
shutter : 1/30 - 1/80. lagi slow lagi bagus
iso 80 - 200
spot metering
set AFC and shot in burst

1. Focus subjek dari jauh lagi then lock (half shutter)
2. follow subjek dengan kamera anda. jgn lepaskan shutter
3. bila subjek dah betul2 masuk dalam frame seperti anda mahu
4. tekan shutter sampai habis.

* enjoy your gear


azharariff on January 28, 2009 at 1:25 AM said...

Mazlan, Tamron 17-50 f2.8 is good. But make sure you buy the "Made in Japan version" not the China-made version. The China version is susceptible to rubber zoom ring peeling just like my friend experienced, compared to my previous Tamron 17-50 Japan version. Best wishes!

Blurry on February 17, 2009 at 10:09 PM said...

Terima kasih kongsi ilmu ini,walau tak kenal anda saya rasa jelas penerangan macam mana nak buat panning ni.


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